Expertise: Ataxia, Dizziness, Eye Movement Disorders, Head Impulse Test, Neurology, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Nystagmus, Vertigo, Video Ocular Counter-Roll (vOCR), Video-Oculography
David Rastall is a physician scientist and fellowship-trained neurologist specializing in neuro-visual and vestibular disorders. He diagnoses and treats patients with eye movement disorders and dizzin...ess resulting from ataxia, cerebellar damage, brainstem damage, or peripheral vestibular lesions, with symptoms including vertigo, nystagmus, oscillopsia, diplopia and dizziness. Dr. Rastall helped develop and participates in the teledizzy initiative, a transformative approach to medicine incorporating data science and cutting-edge technologies including artificial intelligence, machine learning and counterfactual analysis to efficiently pair dizzy patients with emergencies at remote locations with world-leading Johns Hopkins vestibular neurologists. Among the procedures he offers are video-oculography, video head impulse test, quantitative sensory and motor testing for ocular alignment, photo funds evaluation and video ocular counter-roll evaluation. Dr. Rastall obtained his doctorate in osteopathic medicine from Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, where he remained for residency training in neurology and ophthalmology. He underwent fellowship training in vestibular and ocular motor oto-neurology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dr. Rastall’s research interests include developing machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches to increase diagnostic accuracy of eye movement disorders, chronic dizziness, and neurodegenerative disorders; developing medical “spy-ware" to allow passive, interaction-free longitudinal patient measurements; and creation of an eye movement and behavioral “behaviorome" in healthy aging and neurodegeneration. He is also interested in ocular motor phenotyping of healthy aging, neurodegeneration and cerebellar disease.
Typical Office Visit Price
This is the insurance pricing for a new patient office visit for problem(s) that require a limited review of information and have a low risk of complications. This price varies on these conditions.
Insurance pricing for typical office visit varies on these conditions
Sparrow Health System
1215 E Michigan Ave, Lansing, MI 48912 • (517) 432-9277
Pricing Score™
David Patric Werner Rastall, D.O., Ph.D. at Sparrow Health System has, on average, lower prices than 27% of Neurology providers near Lansing, MI.
David Patric Werner Rastall, D.O., Ph.D.'s Pricing
Our estimated ranges are based on insurer negotiated rates for select networks only for which PriceMedic currently maintains data. David Patric Werner Rastall, D.O., Ph.D. at Jhu - Orthopaedic Surgery may not perform all the services below or bill the listed line items. Before making a final decision, consider giving the provider's office a call. Learn more
Neurology - Specialist Visit
This is an office visit with a healthcare provider who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the nervous system.
Office Visit - Specialist - Low Complexity
This is an office visit with a specialist you were referred to for problem(s) that only require a problem focused exam and/or treatment.
Office Visit - Specialist - Moderate Complexity
This is an office visit with a specialist you were referred to for problems that require an expanded exam, counseling and/or treatment.
Office Visit - Specialist - Moderate to High Complexity
This is an office visit with a specialist you were referred to for problems that require a detailed exam, counseling and/or treatment.
Office Visit - Specialist - High Complexity
This is an office visit with a specialist you were referred to for problems that require a comprehensive exam, counseling and/or treatment.
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About Me
David Patric Werner Rastall, D.O., Ph.D. is a licensed Neurology in Lansing, Michigan. He has been providing care for more than 6 years.
no. 5101024175
Licensed since
June 13, 2018
Last updated by provider on
June 13, 2018
PriceMedic maintains data for select networks offered by UnitedHealthcare, Cigna, and Kaiser Permanente.If you are planning on self-pay or have insurance through a network not currently offered by PriceMedic, PriceMedic's ranges, and estimates should not be used to help you find care. The services and procedures for which estimates are displayed are based on national data about services rendered by Neurologys. David Patric Werner Rastall, D.O., Ph.D. has not been consulted in the creation of this profile and does not necessarily offer these services at all or in the way described by the pricing breakdowns. Even for patients with a supported insurance network, these ranges should be used as estimates only. Medical billing is complicated, and the only true authority on how much you'll be paying is the provider's office. Before making a decision, consider giving the provider's office a call to see if they can help you out.