Faith Nicole Brewer, NPC

Faith Nicole Brewer, NPC

Family Nurse Practitioner • Female

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My favorite part of caring for the patients at ABC Pediatrics is getting to know each family and watching your children grow over time. Being a mom of two young daughters myself, I can relate to the j...

Provider Practice

8580 Scarborough Dr Ste 100, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 (719) 596-3344


    Pricing Score™

    Faith Nicole Brewer, NPC at their organization has, on average, lower prices than 70% of Family Nurse Practitioner providers near Colorado Springs, CO.


    Faith Nicole Brewer, NPC's Pricing


    Our estimated ranges are based on insurer negotiated rates for select networks only for which PriceMedic currently maintains data. Faith Nicole Brewer, NPC at Associates In Obstetrics & Gynecology PC may not perform all the services below or bill the listed line items. Before making a final decision, consider giving the provider's office a call. Learn more

    Phone call with doctor - 99442 (CPT)

    Telephone call made by a physician to a person receiving care or to a health care professional. The purpose of the call is to report test results, receive care updates, adjust therapy, clarify instructions, or another task related to coordinating care.

    $83 - $120
    Additional office services - 99051 (CPT)

    Additional services beyond those typically offered, provided in the physician office during regular extended hours such as evenings or weekends.

    $25 - $27
    Health provider phone call - 98966 (CPT)
    Usually not billed alonePreventative

    Telephone consultation (assessment and management) by a qualified, non-physician, health professional.

    $14 - $17
    Health provider phone call - 98967 (CPT)
    Usually not billed alonePreventative

    Telephone consultation (assessment and management) by a qualified, non-physician, health professional.

    $28 - $32
    Health provider phone call - 98968 (CPT)
    Usually not billed alonePreventative

    Telephone consultation (assessment and management) by a qualified, non-physician, health professional.

    $39 - $44
    Home Healthcare by a Physician or Nurse Practitioner

    Two home visits with an established health care provider for evaluation, counseling and coordination of care.

    $322 - $335
    New doctor office visit - 99202 (CPT)

    First office visit with a doctor. The amount of time with the physician is determined by a person's condition and treatment needs.

    $61 - $97
    New doctor office visit - 99203 (CPT)

    First office visit with a doctor. The amount of time with the physician is determined by a person's condition and treatment needs.

    $104 - $149
    • 1
    • 2

    About Me

    Faith Nicole Brewer, NPC is a licensed Family Nurse Practitioner in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She has been providing care for more than 14 years.

    Family Nurse Practitioner


    no. 990060

    Licensed since

    November 21, 2010

    Last updated by provider on

    November 21, 2010


    PriceMedic maintains data for select networks offered by UnitedHealthcare, Cigna, and Kaiser Permanente.If you are planning on self-pay or have insurance through a network not currently offered by PriceMedic, PriceMedic's ranges, and estimates should not be used to help you find care. The services and procedures for which estimates are displayed are based on national data about services rendered by Family Nurse Practitioners. Faith Nicole Brewer, NPC has not been consulted in the creation of this profile and does not necessarily offer these services at all or in the way described by the pricing breakdowns. Even for patients with a supported insurance network, these ranges should be used as estimates only. Medical billing is complicated, and the only true authority on how much you'll be paying is the provider's office. Before making a decision, consider giving the provider's office a call to see if they can help you out.