Dr. Brandon Wade Fisher, MD is a licensed Diagnostic Radiology Physician in Houston, Texas. He attended medical school at the Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Medicine and graduat...ed in 2001. He has been providing care for more than 18 years.
Kelsey Seybold Clinic
2727 W Holcombe Blvd, Houston, TX 77025 • (713) 442-0000
Pricing Score™
Dr. Brandon Wade Fisher, MD at Kelsey Seybold Clinic has, on average, lower prices than 38% of Diagnostic Radiology Physician providers near Houston, TX.
Dr. Brandon Wade Fisher, MD's Pricing
Our estimated ranges are based on insurer negotiated rates for select networks only for which PriceMedic currently maintains data. Dr. Brandon Wade Fisher, MD at Kelsey Seybold Clinic may not perform all the services below or bill the listed line items. Before making a final decision, consider giving the provider's office a call. Learn more
3-D CT scan of the heart - 78452 (CPT)
A true 3-D scan of the heart using a high-energy CT (computed tomography) scanner (SPECT). Images are taken after giving a radioactive substance by mouth or IV to highlight blood flow and heart function.
Bone and joint scan - 78306 (CPT)
A bone and/or joint scan uses a radioactive substance to highlight areas on images. Typically the area of the scan is narrow, but a series of scans may also be taken.
Bone density study - 77080 (CPT)
A bone density study measures the amounts of calcium and other minerals with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). The result is an assessment of bone health.
Breast ultrasound - 76642 (CPT)
An ultrasound (sound wave) image of one or both breasts, including armpit.
Colon cancer screening - G0120 (HCPCS)
Screening test for cancer of the colon or rectum. Includes an x-ray of the large intestine.
CT scan of abdomen - 74150 (CPT)
CT (computed tomography) of the abdomen. The scanner circles the body taking x-rays and assembles them into a 3-D image. Dye may be injected to make the area easier to see.
CT scan of abdomen - 74160 (CPT)
CT (computed tomography) of the abdomen. The scanner circles the body taking x-rays and assembles them into a 3-D image. Dye may be injected to make the area easier to see.
CT scan of abdomen - 74170 (CPT)
CT (computed tomography) of the abdomen. The scanner circles the body taking x-rays and assembles them into a 3-D image. Additional pictures are taken after injecting dye to make specific areas easier to see.
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About Me
Dr. Brandon Wade Fisher, MD is a licensed Diagnostic Radiology Physician in Houston, Texas. He attended medical school at the Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Medicine and graduated in 2001. He has been providing care for more than 18 years.
Diagnostic Radiology
no. M4064
Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Medicine
Graduated in 2001 • Medical School
Licensed since
June 14, 2006
Last updated by provider on
June 7, 2021
PriceMedic maintains data for select networks offered by UnitedHealthcare, Cigna, and Kaiser Permanente.If you are planning on self-pay or have insurance through a network not currently offered by PriceMedic, PriceMedic's ranges, and estimates should not be used to help you find care. The services and procedures for which estimates are displayed are based on national data about services rendered by Diagnostic Radiology Physicians. Dr. Brandon Wade Fisher, MD has not been consulted in the creation of this profile and does not necessarily offer these services at all or in the way described by the pricing breakdowns. Even for patients with a supported insurance network, these ranges should be used as estimates only. Medical billing is complicated, and the only true authority on how much you'll be paying is the provider's office. Before making a decision, consider giving the provider's office a call to see if they can help you out.