Dr. Renita Butler Varghese, MD is a licensed Diagnostic Radiology Physician in Houston, Texas. She attended medical school at the Duke University School of Medicine and graduated in 2005. She has been... providing care for more than 17 years.
Kelsey Seybold Clinic
2727 W Holcombe Blvd, Houston, TX 77025 • (713) 442-0000
Pricing Score™
Dr. Renita Butler Varghese, MD at Kelsey Seybold Clinic and Medical Imaging Consultants LLP has, on average, lower prices than 36% of Diagnostic Radiology Physician providers near Houston, TX.
Dr. Renita Butler Varghese, MD's Pricing
Our estimated ranges are based on insurer negotiated rates for select networks only for which PriceMedic currently maintains data. Dr. Renita Butler Varghese, MD at Medical Imaging Consultants LLP may not perform all the services below or bill the listed line items. Before making a final decision, consider giving the provider's office a call. Learn more
Profile of fetal health - 76818 (CPT)
Biophysical profile (BPP) measures the health of the fetus during pregnancy. Five factors are measured - heart rate, muscle tone, movement, breathing and amount of amniotic fluid around the baby. The procedure may include a non-stress test.
Profile of fetal health - 76819 (CPT)
Biophysical profile (BPP) measures the health of the fetus during pregnancy. Five factors are measured - heart rate, muscle tone, movement, breathing and amount of amniotic fluid around the baby. The procedure may include a non-stress test.
Radiation Treatment Delivery - Complex
This is the use of high-energy rays to control or kill cancer cells.
Radiation Treatment Delivery - Varied Intensity - Complex
This is the use of high-energy rays to control or kill cancer cells.
Uterus ultrasound, enhanced - 76831 (CPT)
Ultrasound (sound wave images) taken of the uterus. Saltwater (saline) is given to highlight parts of the video.
Vaginal ultrasound - 76830 (CPT)
Ultrasound (sound wave images) of the reproductive system taken by inserting a hand-held probe into the vagina.
Other providers at Kelsey Seybold Clinic
About Me
Dr. Renita Butler Varghese, MD is a licensed Diagnostic Radiology Physician in Houston, Texas. She attended medical school at the Duke University School of Medicine and graduated in 2005. She has been providing care for more than 17 years.
Diagnostic Radiology
no. M9185
Duke University School of Medicine
Graduated in 2005 • Medical School
Licensed since
May 7, 2007
Last updated by provider on
June 23, 2021
PriceMedic maintains data for select networks offered by UnitedHealthcare, Cigna, and Kaiser Permanente.If you are planning on self-pay or have insurance through a network not currently offered by PriceMedic, PriceMedic's ranges, and estimates should not be used to help you find care. The services and procedures for which estimates are displayed are based on national data about services rendered by Diagnostic Radiology Physicians. Dr. Renita Butler Varghese, MD has not been consulted in the creation of this profile and does not necessarily offer these services at all or in the way described by the pricing breakdowns. Even for patients with a supported insurance network, these ranges should be used as estimates only. Medical billing is complicated, and the only true authority on how much you'll be paying is the provider's office. Before making a decision, consider giving the provider's office a call to see if they can help you out.